Re: Anand X360 - PS3 article
"chrisv" <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Xen0s* wrote:
>>"Brenden D. Chase" <> ha scritto nel
>>messaggio news:W9Bve.26771
>>try to understand him, he's a little retarded child ;)
> Nope. You are, as you proved so completely in this thread.
>>he wanna fight the whole world hidden by a monitor, he's a brave moron
> The irony.
>>so leave him in the dust of his foolishness, don't feed the troll :)
> You'd starve.
If you are going to snip the post to shreads at least make it so that the
person who actually wrote it gets the credit, as i never said that of which
you quoted.
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