"Paul Heslop" <paul.heslop@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message 
> Que wrote:
>> "Paul Heslop" <paul.heslop@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
>> news:42BCA350.D19E3447@blueyonder.co.uk...
>> > "Brenden D. Chase" wrote:
>> >
>> >> I thought it was very informative and interesting
>> >>
>> > It's another x posted pile of crap. IF anyone is interested in this
>> > stuff surely they have the ability to go look for it.
>> >
>> >> I guess Mr Heslop didnt like what they had to say for his favorite 
>> >> system
>> >
>> > Oh dear. I haven't got a favourite system. ATM I am playing almost
>> > constantly on the xbox, and playing forza, so what's my favourite
>> > system? And, more to the point, how can I or you or anyone bloody else
>> > have a favourite system that doesn't sodding exist?
>> >
>> Leave it to a fanboy/Brenden D. Chase to wholeheartedly commit to a 
>> platform
>> that doesn't exist.
> It just all seems so futile. They're all bragging about this and that
> and very little to show for it.

You two tag teaming now??  You know Que Mattinglyfan is going to get 
jelous... LOL.

If you guys really want to take it personal go right ahead. I've got better 
things going on than to sit here and belittle either one of you.

> -- 
> Paul   (And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!")
> ------------------------------------------------------- 
> Stop and Look
> http://www.geocities.com/dreamst8me/