"Michael Cash" <buggeroff@fake.com> wrote in message
> On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 20:57:19 +0900, "Dethlar2004: Blaq Action Hero"
> <dethlar2004@ammodump.com> brought down from the Mount tablets
> inscribed:
> >
> >"Michael Cash" <buggeroff@fake.com> wrote in message
> >news:vh0500pfjacpepelnhusnprgf4cipr72b8@4ax.com...
> >> On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 08:32:29 GMT, "thegoons" <thegoons@bigpond.com>
> >> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >"Dethlar2004: Blaq Action Hero" <dethlar2004@ammodump.com> wrote in
> >message
> >> >> Whatever. I remember reading news stories of Japanese car companies
> >> >(Toyota
> >> >> and their Prius Hybrid line were mentioned in the article IIRC)  in
> >> >protest
> >> >> that they were locked out of a major American expo that showcased
> >> >that
> >> >> used alternative energy sources.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >Correct.
> >> >
> >> >Toyota were locked out under directive of George W. Bush.
> >>
> >> Source of that information?
> >
> >
> >Read this part in the article:
> >
> >Still, White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett denied any effort
> >intentionally exclude the Japanese automakers.
> >
> >"It's not a slight of any sort," Bartlett said. "I sat in on several
> >meetings and I never heard anyone say we should exclude foreign-owned
> >companies."
> >
> >Asked if he thought that omitting Toyota and Honda was an oversight,
> >Bartlett said: "I really can't comment, not without having all the
> >
> >
> >
> >Translation: I can neither confirm nor deny that foreign (Japanese) cars
> >were intentionally left out of the expo.....but I know the answer.
> Equals: George W. Bush locked them out?

Well it was an executive decision, and while W might not have sat in on the
meetings, he probably had to give approval for the thing to happen in the
first place, and who knows how many thins he signs without looking it over.
One of his underlings probably put the list together, "forgot" about the
Japanese cars and then said to him, "sign this".  Besides, him being the oil
baron he is, it was probably in his best interest.