In news:4EKLb.1358$,
Dethlar2004: Blaq Action Hero <> radiated into
the WorldWideWait:
> "Duke of URL" <macbenahATkdsiDOTnet> wrote in message
>> In news:8BBLb.1342$,
>> Dethlar2004: Blaq Action Hero <> radiated
>> into the WorldWideWait:
>>> "thegoons" <> wrote in message
>>> news:lPzLb.3039$
>>>> Amazing isn't it, the EXPO 2005 in Aichi is supposed to foster
>>>> international exchange, yet a look at their website "says it all"
>>> Ahhh...kind of how Japanese car companies in the U.S. can't get
>>> government subsidies for developing gasoline alternative
>>> technologies in automobiles and can't present said cars in U.S.
>>> environmental auto shows?
>> Ahhh... You mean like the duo-powered Hondas on sale in the U.S.?
> Apples and Oranges.  It still doesn't mean they get susbsidies or
> are invited to the show.

Have you some objection to facts? Honda *does* get gummint subsidies
and *does* get featured at those eco-shows.
I can't be bothered to try to educate you more, but if you take a wee
bit of effort, you will find other companies in the same situation.