"evertonian" <not@home.com> wrote in

> "CSM1" <nomoremail@nomail.com> wrote in message
> news:d_4Kf.22324$_S7.5112@newssvr14.news.prodigy.com...
>> "evertonian" <not@home.com> wrote in message
>> news:5r2Kf.53784$AL5.27535@fe01.news.easynews.com...
>> > This is the info I found.
>> http://www.praktica.de/CMSFiles/330.pdf
>> The PDF file indicates that the CD has drivers for Windows XP on it.
>> Look at the folders on the CD and see if there is a USB driver.
>> --
>> CSM1
>> http://www.carlmcmillan.com
>> --
>  Massive thanks to you , CSM1,  for your time & feedback.
> Unfortunately, the software CD that comes with this particular camera
>  ( Praktica DCZ 5.2)  only installs the Ulead (photo & video) progs.
>  The 
> "install drivers" option (CD) will not highlight, on my PC.  The VERY
> small info booklet, that comes with the camera, does say that "drivers
> are only required & installed with windows 98 systems".
> I've found a link to the Pentacon (German) site .... & (very strangely
> !!) you
> can submit an enquiry about the camera, ONLY if you are NOT British !!
> .... I am.
> You have to fill in all the address fields, including which country
> you are e-mailing from.  Mongolia .... Namibia .... Greenland etc ...
> are fine. There
> are hundreds of countries listed, including all the big ones ...
> America, Australia, Canada etc...
>   UK, Great Britain & England appear to be exempt !       Very strange
>   ?!! 
> Thanks anyway !
> AB.

I assume you went to this site: 

In the list of countries you will find 'Grossbrittanien' which I think 
you'll find means 'Great Britain'!