"Ryan Ginstrom" <ryang@gol.com> wrote in

> "Hibijibi" <km34@columbia.edu> wrote in message
> news:2qkp3eF106ihmU1@uni-berlin.de...
>> "Ryan Ginstrom" wrote...
>> > I think it's a lack of quite the same load of social taboos
>> > regarding 
>> bodily
>> > excretions and the various orifices from whence they originate as
>> > Anglo countries, rather than an obsession with same.
>> Well, most of the time I'd agree, but Pants Pankura really is a bit
>> over 
> the
>> top.  I can't watch it anymore.
> This sketch must have started after I stopped watching the show.
>> Another part of the show which wouldn't pass in the Religious States
>> of America is that line in the finale theme song extolling the 'girl
>> who 
> wants
>> to become a lion, and the boy who wants to become a girl'.
> I do remember this one. I also remember that "oshiri" was taught as a
> body part with about as much frequency as "omeme." IME this pattern is
> born out in actual child-rearing (no pun intended) as well.
> I must admit to feeling a bit of a tingle when お姉ちゃん would
> bend over, pat her rump, and say お尻ぺんぺん for the camera.

Blasted X-News and its non multi-lingual encoding.  When who says what?

He was here before Christ, before civilisation. He was king here! 
Rawhead, that's what they called him! RAWHEAD! Get upstairs, fuckface - I 
can't keep god waiting!
-Father Declan O'Brien, Clive Barker's Rawhead Rex

I have created an empire out of greasy burgers and flat soft drinks. And 
you are just...what's the word?  Ahhh yes! A "Sucka"!
- Ronald McDonald speaking to Mr. T