"Ryan Ginstrom" wrote...
> <newsgroup trimmage>
> "Rawhead Rex (RSPW's post inspector)" wrote...
> > So, people, why is there a pre-occupation with the dirtiest human bodily
> > functions on NHK TV?
> I think it's a lack of quite the same load of social taboos regarding
> excretions and the various orifices from whence they originate as Anglo
> countries, rather than an obsession with same.

Well, most of the time I'd agree, but Pants Pankura really is a bit over the
top.  I can't watch it anymore.

Another part of the show which wouldn't pass in the Religious States of
America is that line in the finale theme song extolling the 'girl who wants
to become a lion, and the boy who wants to become a girl'.

best regards