"USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in news:GXFFa.2886$zu3.13@nwrdny01.gnilink.net:

> <grunt100@msn.com> wrote in message
> news:5ba2f89c.0306110034.40939220@posting.google.com...
>> kaz@ivebeenframed.com (Kaz) wrote in message
> news:<365fcc52.0306100628.3fa80817@posting.google.com>...
>> > Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Lee Armitage visiting Japan said
>> > today as "Japan should get out from the stand and come down to
>> > the ground, doesn't have to be a pitcher or a catcher, but should play
>> > baseball". I really think we should this time in Iraq. At least as a
>> > outfielder or a pinch hitter. No matter whether it's a battle or not,
>> > our force should be sent to Iraq. And then after Iraq, we should kick
>> > the silly little dictator pointing nuclear missile to us out of his
>> > starving land. And we should save people starving, trying to get flesh
>> > of human.
>> Japan as America's lap dog, as usual.
> Japan can be trusted as a US Ally.
> I have doubts about South Korea.

You said you trusted South Korea before.  Now, you imply
you cannot trust them.  Did you just lie or
did you lie before or did you lie both times?