<grunt100@msn.com> wrote in message
> kaz@ivebeenframed.com (Kaz) wrote in message
> > Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Lee Armitage visiting Japan said
> > today as "Japan should get out from the stand and come down to
> > the ground, doesn't have to be a pitcher or a catcher, but should play
> > baseball". I really think we should this time in Iraq. At least as a
> > outfielder or a pinch hitter. No matter whether it's a battle or not,
> > our force should be sent to Iraq. And then after Iraq, we should kick
> > the silly little dictator pointing nuclear missile to us out of his
> > starving land. And we should save people starving, trying to get flesh
> > of human.
> Japan as America's lap dog, as usual.

Japan can be trusted as a US Ally.
I have doubts about South Korea.