<grunt100@msn.com> wrote in message
> "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in message
> > > You are right, Hirohito didn't have to get pardon because he wasn't
> > > charged with war crime - because Americans didn't want to face whole
> > > Japan, because Americans found that Japan was more useful as a staging
> > > point against Soviets rather than anything else.
> >
> > Yes I'm glad that we agree on this.
> >
> > > And it suited Japan
> > > fine.  It didn't have to account for its past, and now that it suits
> > > to start seemingly expansionist military, it's fine to as long as it
> > > suits to Japan.
> >
> > This is where you are speculating and throwing your anti-japanese racism
> > into the mix.
> What/where/how anti Japanese racism manifest?  Back up where I have
> done such and such.  I'll explain, clarify, or apologize as appropriate.
> People bent on phony accusations must also accord similar, no?

I am accusing you of having an anti-japanese attitiude in general because of
the manner in
which you constantly blame Japan even when it doesn't make sense,,, for
the US destroyed Japan completely, it's cities, it's industry, everything.
The brought the
Japanese Enpire to its knees and made it accept an unconditional surrender.
They were
in no position to dictate anything. So we wrote them a new constitution and
took apart their
military industrial complex. We made their Emperor denounce his devine
status publically.
Yes..you describe all this as having..."suited Japan".
That is quite frankly...ridiculous. It all suited the United States, period.