"USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in message news:<Vt2Ka.850$xf6.73756806@newssvr15.news.prodigy.com>...
> > What/where/how anti Japanese racism manifest?  Back up where I have
> > done such and such.  I'll explain, clarify, or apologize as appropriate.
> > People bent on phony accusations must also accord similar, no?
> I am accusing you of having an anti-japanese attitiude in general because of
> the manner in
> which you constantly blame Japan even when it doesn't make sense,,, for

I constantly blame Japan for what?  Also, anti-Japanese attitude is not 
similar to anti-Japanese racism, as you have accused me.  Quote case(s)
of anti-Japanese racism, as you have accused me.

As for anti-Japanese attitude, again, quote cases.  I constantly blame
Japan for what?  

Make your case or shut up.

 > example,,,
> the US destroyed Japan completely, it's cities, it's industry, everything.
> The brought the
> Japanese Enpire to its knees and made it accept an unconditional surrender.
> They were
> in no position to dictate anything. So we wrote them a new constitution and
> took apart their
> military industrial complex. We made their Emperor denounce his devine
> status publically.
> Yes..you describe all this as having..."suited Japan".
> That is quite frankly...ridiculous. It all suited the United States, period.

It all suited the United States.  So, what is your point?