In article <3f4ee437$>, 

I speak K-K-K-kaz, so let me translate.
> Simply those honorary Whites are nice and polite to you just because you are
> real White. 

Translation:  Damn, why are those other Japanese so socially skilled?

> They are extremely ugly and offensive against ordunary Japanese,
> other Asians and Africans. 


Why doesn't anybody like ME?  It MUST be because I'm Japanese.  I just 
KNOW it.  There couldn't POSSIBLY be any other reason.  I'm a nice guy, 

So if they're discriminating against me because I'm Japanese, they must 
be RACISTS!  That means they don't like, uh, let's see . . . . OTHER 
people of colour!  Yeah, that's it!  

> They can't distinguish a European from Americans,
> and they're just extreme racists worshipping every Westerner, and that's
> all.

I sure wish they liked me!

K-K-K-kaz, going around with a chip on your shoulder is just going to 
make people dislike you.  Just stop stereotyping, stop making racist 
remarks, and stop offending people who are different from you!  It's 
easy!  People will start treating you differently!

Your welcome.

That will be $175.00, please.  
