"Kay" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message
> In article <PHYHa.608$225.241@nwrdny03.gnilink.net>, USA@aol.com says...
> >
> >
> >"Kay" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message
> >news:4oRHa.115$6p1.173638@news.uswest.net...
> >> In article <UwGHa.3703$Yy3.3413@newssvr19.news.prodigy.com>, USA@aol.c
> >om
> >Kay you retard monkey, I don't deny being foul mouthed.
> Good, we are getting somewhere.  After some 100
> posts or so, you finally make an honest statement.
> Good start, USA.  Keep it up!

Now when are you going to admit being an apologist for Kim Jong iL???

> >> As a fellow American, I will give you an
> >> advice once more.
> >
> >You are no American Kay. You are far far less of an American than most
> >Korean-Americans.
> As I understand it, an American is a person
> who has an American citizenship.  Yet, you
> are telling me that I am not an American
> seems like a racist statement to me.  Tell
> Henry Kissinger that he is not an American but
> a German.  Tell Collin Powell that he is not
> an American but an Afro-American.
You the left wing liberal AMERICA-HATER have the Fucking audacity to compare
to two Secretarys of State?????
Both people you mentioned serve/served the United States.
They DEFEND American policy.
Not ATTACK it like YOU do you retarded monkey!!

> What a racist!
Why don't you just make that your signature?