Cari wrote:
> "Lynn" <> wrote in message 
> news:qNuye.13047$
>>Fritz Oppliger wrote:
>>Thanks for the reply.  Looks like I might be stuck with no sound.  My last 
>>Tosiba had problems with the power inlet connector.  I sent it away to be 
>>fixed. But it only lasted a couple of weeks and stopped working again. I 
>>didnt send it back to be fixed again as it would have cost more than the 
>>poor old lappy was worth.
>>Cheers Lynn
> If you really want it back and you have a PCMCIA slot, you might want to 
> consider:

Hi, thanks will check it out. I see they also have a usb external as 
well but my puter looks like it would take the pc slot card.
Cheers Lynn