in article d1qi78$9rk$, bitter anko at
wrote on 3/23/05 10:50 AM:

> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>> in article d1olah$254b$, bitter anko at
>> wrote on 3/22/05 5:31 PM:
>>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>>> in article yau%d.157990$,
>>> Ethan
>>>> Hammond at wrote on 3/21/05 3:52 PM:
>>>>> "bitter anko" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> Burakumins are well-known snobbish people, the newly rich class.
> Actually,
>>>>>> Etas were rich in the Tokugawa period because they had a monopoly of
>>>>>> selling leathers and some other products. But while some Etas get
> poor
>>>>>> after their monopoly was confiscated by the Meiji restoration, as the
>>>>>> samurai privileges were confiscated, many of them got more richer
> because
>>>>>> of the Japanese started to eat meat. The more market for them
> expanded.
>>>>>> And now, those you are saying as poor burakumins are actually not
>>>>>> burakumins. At least in Kansai, they are well known fake
>>>>>> burakumins(so-called "ese-dowa") who want to get all those welfares
> from
>>>>>> government. Many of them are Koreans.
>>>>> This is either the one of the funniest or one of the most ignorant
> things I
>>>>> have ever read, I just can't decide.  Burakumin = unspoken outcasts in
>>>>> Japanese society who used to clean up the battlefields which was one
> of the
>>>>> worst jobs you could have and made them the lowest of the low.
>>>> This is not the first time that Kaz has given the impression that he
> thinks
>>>> that the burakumin consider themselves his superior. We don't know his
>>>> background, but it is really something to be snubbed by the underclass.
>>> Did everyone see it? This is showing how Earnest is such a silly
>>> subconscious racist who is obsessed with their silly hierarchical
> criteria,
>>> then difine every other person in his silly criteria that his lovely
>>> educational mother taught him. Ernest, please throw away your lovely
>>> comforter your mother had supplied to you.
>> Kaz, I realize that your life is probably poor (most racists are less than
>> successful in life), but it takes a lot to be looked down by outcasts of
>> society, snubbed by people forced to do the tasks too unclean for the
>> average Japanese. Personally, I don't blame anyone for snubbing him.
> I'm only a racist against the racial group called "racists".

No, you are on record against most of the Japanese, most of the Asians, and
most Europeans. In fact, I don't know of a worse racist on the Internet.