I sent the following message by mistake. It is a copy of my previous
message, which I was going to expand on, but decided to cancel. Instead it
got sent by mistake.

What I was going to expand on is comments on anime, especially the non-porn
type. I don't hate anime, I just think that it is a genre that hasn't
produced as good cinema (from a critical view) as some other genres, in the
same way that porn hasn't produced that many Academy Award winners or
winners at various film festivals.

Over the years, I have seen a lot of anime, more so when I was away from
Japan. Much of the anime seems to be television based, with the movies being
simply longer versions of the television series that have been around for
years. Often, the films are not as good as the series upon which they were

in article BE3BE749.9623%eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp, Ernest Schaal at
eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp wrote on 2/18/05 6:41 PM:

> in article BE3BE63F.961E%eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp, Ernest Schaal at
> eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp wrote on 2/18/05 6:36 PM:
>> in article cv4bsn$ict$1@bgsv5647.tk.mesh.ad.jp, kuri at cc@dotmel.cam wrote
>> on 2/18/05 6:18 PM:
>>> "Ernest Schaal" <eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote in message
>>>> Clearly, your tastes in film are radically different than mine.
>>> You have  tastes now ? I thought that you *knew which films are better* just
>>> like in general you *know the truth*.
>>> Kuri
>> There are two questions. One is of particular tastes (subjective
>> preferences) and the other is the inherent quality of the work (a cultural
>> determination based upon less subjective criteria).
>> Anime, as a genre, tends to be loved by the otaku, but as a class it isn't
>> particularly well thought of. Although there are some films within the anime
>> genre that are well thought of, such as the works of Miyazaki, most of the
>> works in that genre are thought of as either crass porn (virgins raped by
>> alien plants) or kiddie stuff (Pokemon).
>> Some of the amine that I have seen is amusing, like good television
>> sit-coms, but only occasionally is it something that most people would want
>> to pay money to see.