in article, Eric Takabayashi at wrote on 11/7/04 3:10 PM:

> Ernest Schaal wrote:
>> I fear that you put too much faith in technology, and are blind to the fact
>> that technology is less than 100% correct
> Oh, and 12 amateurs and what they decide to agree on, is more often correct
> than what the best technology could offer us, if there were not obstacles in
> the way?

The obstacle is that it imposes too great a burden of invasion of privacy on
innocent civilians. Not all people are convicted criminals like you claim to
be, on the contrary, most have no arrest record.
>> But the price of that technology is a "1984"-like police state, where
>> individual privacy is impossible. That is simply too high a price to pay.
> That is what people say because they are not acquainted with such a lifestyle.

They are "acquainted" enough with it to figure out that the price is WAY too
high. Basically, what we have here is a difference of priorities here, with
most honest people preferring to preserve their privacy to the complete
eradication of crime via a 1984 police state.