Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> SaSaSushi wrote:
>>> Do you believe not prosecuted or not "guilty" equals "did not do"?
>> No, I believe it means that the prosecution has not proven beyond a
>> reasonable doubt that the accused committed the crimes for which they
>> were accused of. All accused in the USA are considered innocent until
>> proven guilty.
> That's what some piece of paper says it technically means.
>> What do you think?
> People are guilty of the crime the moment they commit it, whether or
> not the crime is ever discovered or reported, or the perpetrator ever
> identified, apprehended, prosecuted, convicted or not.

Here we go again. Eric continues to have difficulty distinguishing between
the metaphysical state of guilt and when it is appropriate for the state to
reach a conclusion regarding one's guilt and use that as a basis for
restraining one's freedom, or perhaps worse.