Eric Takabayashi <>:
> Ask a recruiter what they have to offer. I know. They 
> wanted me to be all I could be, aim high, be one of the 
> few, the proud, or enjoy "job opportunities, skill training,
> money for college and travel in today's high-tech Navy". War
> in the Mideast or against the former Soviet Union on
> the nuclear battlefield during my time, was never, 
> ever mentioned.

If they don't mention it, it seems a bit dishonest. But unless you
were living under a rock, you would know that such wars weren't

> > [snip]
> > > For many, such as some members of minorities, military
> > > service is the BEST opportunity for training and jobs.
> >
> > Sure, but you could say the same of some mafia jobs.
> The US military is not the mafia.

(sigh) I didn't say that. I was pointing out the irrelevance of the
"bet opportunity" argument.

> > The Iraqi war is unjust, for instance.
> > Apparently we disagree on this premise,
> It is clear we do not disagree about Iraq.
> If the US military is not going to be a real global 
> police force, doing such as freeing North Korea to save 
> tens of millions of oppressed people and millions of 
> starving peasants, they should stay at home where they
> are safer and appreciated. 

Yes. So we agree. :-)

> If such as Europeans, Japanese or Iraqis want
> to bitch about the presence or actions of the US military,
> they can take care of their own damned selves and never 
> again ask for aid of any kind. How quickly they forget.

> > Even so, I would feel sorry if he died while working. Why?
> > Because his job is to save lives.
> Note firefighters can quit if they regret their decision, 
> and I do not believe firefighters would be treated like 
> criminals for going AWOL.

One more reason for not joining the army.

> > Do you believe that the wars (or conflicts, call it what 
> > you like) that US has fought were all in the defense of 
> > the American citizens?
> No. Why do you think I would believe so?

OK, just asking. Because you said "(...) The soldiers have sacrificed
their freedom and ordinary lives, even when not at war, because they
may have to defend the lives and freedoms of people like you[Bryce]."

Rafael Caetano