Judoka wrote:
> In regards to the mass-transit bombings in Spain, consider it a trial run by
> the terrorists. They have achieved the desired results -- i.e., shock, awe
> and the electoral defeat of the incumbent Spanish administration, a U.S.
> supporter in the global war on terrorism. We and our allies can expect this
> to become the norm rather than the exception as the terrorists are now sure,
> right or wrong, that they can influence the outcome of elections with timely
> acts of terrorism.
> The intense hatred of the current U.S. administration, coupled with the
> success enjoyed by the terrorists in Spain, in my opinion, will no doubt
> lead to yet another major attack on our shores shortly before the
> presidential election in November. Those who believe that a change in the
> current administration will stop the attacks are foolish. The intent of the
> terrorists is to destroy our way of life regardless of who is in the White
> House. They hope to get a weak administration elected that doesn't have the
> will to continue the fight, thus making it easier to commit additional and
> more spectacular acts of terrorism.
> My two cents . . .
> Mike
> Shodan
> Orlando

Well said. But I think they will find that the US is a much tougher nut to 
gnaw. Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said right after the attack on Pearl Harbor: 
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a 
terrible resolve."

Americans rally behind their leaders. Considering the behavior of the 
Democratic candidate during the Vietnam era the voters would not vote for 
other than a proven leader who lead when the time was needed to lead.
