Re: Immigration rant: Narita vs. Chubu
On Jan 23, 2:20 am, Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.niho...@verizon.nut>
> Jim Breen wrote:
> > Declan Murphy wrote:
> >> On Jan 22, 5:53 pm, Jim Breen <> wrote:
> >>> To be frank, I never knew residents used to be able to go through the
> >>> nihonjin line. I could have done it when I was a resident.
> >> How long ago were you nihoning then? At Nagoya (old Komaki) the "re-
> >> entrants" was up on the Japanese passport signs at least 1997ish.
> >> Can't recall if it was kanji only or not back then though.
> > 2000/2001. I only re-entered once. (I remember I came in from
> > London on a BA flight, and the stewardess got her knickers knotted
> > because I refused to take a landing card. She just couldn't grasp
> > the fact that the re-entry card took its place).
> Same thing happened to me here in December. I just couldn't get across
> to her that someone that had a resident ID didn't need to fill out the
> tourist entry form. I finally told her that I wouldn't throw it back at
> her, but she couldn't make me waste time filling it out.
I wonder why they would be so persistent? I've re-entered about 30
times, usually on a JAL or Cathay flight, and only had 5 or so "very
concerned for my welfare" stewards/esses. For some reason it was the 1
or 2 Japanese amongst the staff who needed "I'm a resident and don't
need one of those" repeated several times.
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