On Jan 22, 5:53 pm, Jim Breen <jimbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The 2-Belo wrote:
> > Japan is the only country I've ever entered where
> > residents were forced to wait in line with temporary visitors.
> FWIW, the UK is the same. If you don't have a UK or EU passport, it's
> residence/shmesidence - into the same queue as the (non-EU) tourists.

It used to be 3 sets of queues, with a separate one for Irish arrivals
(at Heathrow at any rate). Crossing the border into NI was an
occasional bitch, but as far as flying directly into London was
concerned everything was so much easier during the troubles :-)

> Come to think of it - we only have two sets of queues - Australian
> passport-holders and the rest.

Yes, but my old man always went through the Australian passport
holders gates even though he didn't have one. In retrospect maybe that
was because I or someone else in the family was with him.

> To be frank, I never knew residents used to be able to go through the
> nihonjin line. I could have done it when I was a resident.

How long ago were you nihoning then? At Nagoya (old Komaki) the "re-
entrants" was up on the Japanese passport signs at least 1997ish.
Can't recall if it was kanji only or not back then though.