Re: Whale Burger ! (Jan Bojer Vindheim) wrote:
>Floyd L. Davidson <> wrote:
>> (Jan Bojer Vindheim) wrote:
>> >You ask what greenpeace does, except collect money,
>> >I ask you to see their webpages for informationm on their various
>> >campaigns. What is illogical about that ?
>> Their web page is propaganda aimed at increasing contributions.
>> It doesn't show how much goes to "administrative" or "fund
>> raising" costs, compared to the programs they advertise.
>> Pointing to their propaganda as proof that they are not a money
>> collection agency is illogical.
>I do not claim that Greenpeace does not collect money.
>I reply to your original statement
>> What do Greenpeace and the SSCS do,
>> other than collect huge sums of money?
>by pointing to information about their varied acticities around the
This might be a language problem. You are taking that
question a if it were meant literally. It doesn't mean
specifically what the words say though... it means, something
along the lines of: "Yeah, sure, they *claim* to do things
other than collect money, and some fools are suckered into
believing them. But what do they *actually* *devote* *real*
*resources* to, other than collecting money?"
The answer is virtually nothing. A reasonable figure for
adminstrative overhead would be well below 40%, but those
organizations run well over 80%.
Floyd L. Davidson <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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