Floyd L. Davidson <floyd@barrow.com> wrote:

> jan.vindheim@gmail.com (Jan  Bojer Vindheim) wrote:
> >Floyd L. Davidson <floyd@barrow.com> wrote:
> >
> >> How was it off the mark?  What do Greenpeace and the SSCS do,
> >> other than collect huge sums of money?
> >Why dont you take a loo at the greenpeace websites for an answer to
> >that one ?
> You think they are going to advertize it on their web page???
 Of course.  Their  webpages are full of information about their various
projects around the world. Campaigning on sea mammals is just a fraction
of their amazing  range of acitvity


> >> Perhaps the people who *contribute* have other motivations, but
> >> the organizations are all about money, not whales.
> >
> >  Hugely overstated, or - more bluntly - bullshit.
> It's a *fact*.  Some are far worse than others, but almost all of them
> are little more than money generating machines.  Greenpeace is actually
> one of the "best", and they still fit that description.

It probably depends on what you are looking for.
Any large  organization needs an income,
and some (I have worked in many) use too much time getting the necessary
cash to do their thing, and therefore become less effective.
Some orkers in greenpeace and other organizations  actually get paid for
their work, which, of course makes it possible  for them to survive, and
motivates them to keep on working.
I Imagine you also have an income  to keep you alive in this
moneycentered world. .

But it is *not* an objective *fact* that gathering money is their main
purpose.  Moneymakimng does not take up most of their time, and
certainly is not formeost in their minds.

Youre statement on this point is bullshit