Declan Murphy wrote:
> Dan Rempel wrote:
>> Declan Murphy wrote:
>>> another fool wrote:
>>> You can use a lighter for sex as well as combustion?
>>>> You would light a stoggie with something other then a wooden match?
>>>> Sir you should be drawn and quartered for your blasphemy!
>>>> Thanks for the cigar linkage though...
>>> My local tobacconist usually supplies long wooden matches with each box
>>> purchased. I thought they all did?
>> We now have a no-smoking bylaw that prohibits using the eternal-flame
>> lighter in the tobacconists from being used to actually light up your
>> purchase. Can't smoke in a bingo pallor either; something is indeedy-do
>> wrong around here.
>> Dan
> Surely you can use the "external-flame lighter" elsewhere though?

Yeahbutt, there's something so pleasant about stepping up to the classy
in-store lighter with your latest health-threatening purchase and
setting it ablaze (the purchase, not the store). As for the elsewhere's,
   as far as I know the only place you can legally smoke around here is
on suburban streets, in your car, and at home. Doesn't matter much to
me, since my cigar purchases are few and far between, but I still think
it's stupid.
