Re: Need shrine/temple help
"John W." <> wrote in message
> On Jan 26, 2:49 am, Declan Murphy <> wrote:
>> On Jan 25, 11:36 pm, "John W." <> wrote:
>> > Last May I walked to the shrines/temple visible on this map:
>> >
>> > Can somone do me the favor of translating the names for me? The temple
>> > was a neat little place; it was very small and had a small waterfall.
>> > The shrine (the map shows two, but they're both pretty much the same
>> > place) was really a working-class type of place. Still, it was a cool
>> > find.
>> The shrine furthest to the left is 豊川稲荷神社 (とよかわいなりじんじゃ/ toyokawa inari
>> jinja)
>> I guess its actually a 別院 as the main shrine is in Aichi.
>> The temple furthest to the right is 龍泉院 (りゅうせんいん / ryuusenin).
>> The
>> real one is in Chiba so this is another sub-temple.
>> Website is
>> The shrine in the middle has an unusual name (though perhaps only in
>> terms of my own experience). 祖道神社 is probably pronounced Sodou
>> Jinja -
>> but next time you go for a walk it would be best to ask some (elderly)
>> locals. Asking them might make the recovery from your hangover take a
>> little longer, but would also give you the correct reading for that
>> particular shrine.
> Thanks for the help; with websites no less. I doubt these will make it
> into my Himeji travel guide, but they're quiet and serene, if made of
> a little too much concrete. I might try to find a priest next time I
> go there; it didn't look like there was anybody 'on duty' while I
> visited, though the shrine was certainly large enough. I believe that
> it's in the burakumin area, though it's a little hazy exactly where
> that is (I just know it's somewhere east of the river, possibly south-
> ish of Gochaku station). It was a cool little community, though.
> John W.
If it is any consolation I was going to answer the original question but I
couldn't make any of it out.
I did gather that there seemed to be about five apartment buildings on the
Hope that helps
Slapping forehead
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