Re: Private for Raj
Brett Robson <> wrote in message news:<cmf0s2$lg5$>...
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
> > Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> >
> >> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>
> >>> Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Yes. They are called Catholics.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Gee, what do you suppose my Certificate of Baptism stands for, then?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> If it's like mine, it certifies that you got to wear a cute little white
> >> satin thingy and get some water sprinkled on your forehead.
> >
> >
> > Which made you born again, as I explained in the text you snipped.
> >
> Why does a baby need to be reborn at only a few months old?
> Breast feeding and laughing at shiny objects are sins?
> Glad I wasn't a Catholic, at least I had the choice to be born
> again or not.
As a Protestant I'm curious about the notion of being born again,
since we're all supposedly born as sinners in the first place; what
good does being born again make?
> Can a Catholic get un-born again? "Well Il Pappa I was only 3
> months old and I was not able to consent to this religious ritual".
The Amish don't Baptize until after the child is a young adult and has
gone through a ritual period where they venture away from Amish
society and have the opportunity to experience non-Amish life.
John W.
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