On Mar 30, 9:32 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msdREMOVETHIS.biglobe.ne.jp>
> We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that Declan Murphy
> has exploded. Flight director confirms that:
> >NHK's budget should come out of general tax revenue,
> >in much the same way as Australia's ABC.
> I once thought this way, but the way I see it, in its current state NHK doesn't
> have to worry about the government slashing funding somewhere down the line,
> like the United States is currently trying to do with PBS. (Someone correct me
> if I've got it wrong here...) I sort of considered the fees a "TV tax" anyway,
> and admittedly my family and I watch a whole hell of a lot of NHK.

I guess it is conceivable that sometime/somehow in the future funding
could be slashed, though unlikely. Not sure whether how much that
small army of licence fee collectors are paid, but would imagine there
is some room for economizing. Also not sure how the tv licence fee
funds NHK's radio & internet operations.