Re: Why do chinks hate japs and not brits?
On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 12:24:33 +0900, Ernest Schaal
<> wrote:
>> I don't have either deep resentment or envy, just disdain. I guess you pick
>> your Canadian friends carefully
>Probably it has something to do with most of them being educated
>professional types. Many of my Canadian friends are fellow lawyers. It is
>usually the lower classes who bash the States because of their own
Lawyers in the USA are, for the most part, in a higher class by salary
alone. Chasing ambulances and litigating every frivolous lawsuit
imaginable to make a buck are far from noble ways to make a living.
There are good lawyers, thankfully. They are the ones that get into
the field to make a difference and not just to line their pockets or
raise their social status.
We should send more American lawyers to Canada and Japan (and Iraq and
the moon). Good riddance.
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