Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
"Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
> in article, m.yoshida at
> wrote on 10/21/04 12:22 PM:
>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>> in article, m.yoshida at
>>> wrote on 10/21/04 11:15 AM:
>>>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>>>> in article, m.yoshida at
>>>>> wrote on 10/21/04 9:22 AM:
>>>>>> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Osaka and Nagoya (and other cities have special trains for women because
>>>>>>> sexual abuse on subways is such a problem. Does this mean we should
>>>>>>> stereotype all Japanese as perverts?
>>>>>> One does not always say so, but I think that the contemporary
>>>>>> Japanese males (as well as females ;-) ) are more perverted
>>>>>> than before.
>>>>> Are they more perverted than the Chinese? Are you proud of your perversion?
>>> I notice that you didn't answer my questions.
>>> Are the Japanese more perverted than the Chinese?
>> Why do you want me to answer the question?
> I had originally mentioned the need for special trains for women to show the
> hazards of stereotyping an entire nation on the flaw of a few. Because of
> your bigoted nature, you would rather claim that all Japanese are perverted
> than admit that your stereotypical comments of the Chinese were out of line.
Perhaps you don't get used to discussing with Japanese like me.
Read between lines! Don't be so dense!
> Therefore, I pushed you by asking if the Japanese are more perverted than
> the Chinese, since the Chinese don't need special trains to protect women
> from sex perverts. Your response is true to form for you, refusal to answer
> the question, but instead resort to non sequitur arguments.
This NG is not a courtroom. Japanese may call you "yabo na hito".
> Thank goodness that most Japanese are not as bigoted and racist as you.
> Every time you reply, you simply prove my point.
You are just turning every argument in your own favour, Mr. Schaal.
What a dull guy!
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