> Prophet of the Way wrote:
>>The Japan Fact Sheet says:
>>> Suburbs in Japan are formed usually around the railway
>>> lines and stations. Most Japanese do not use car to get to
>>> work since trains are more fast and convenient, even if very
>>> crowded.
>>Market share by mode of transportation
>>millions of passenger kilometers, year 2002
>>Railroad               382236  26.8%
>>Bus                     86181   6.0%
>>Other automobiles      869231  61.0%
>>Airline                 83982   5.9%
>>Marine                   3893   0.3%
> This was explained (somewhat impolitely I must sheepishly acknowledge)
> on August 30th
> to the idiot who published the website in question.
> Perhaps Mr Jason will be happy to know that tomorrow I'm making my 18th
> and hopefully final visit to the bloody Aichi Expo, and will
> unfortunately have to go by train. Once inside, the content of the
> meeting will basically be "how to make a cleaner & greener world in
> which we can sell more cars", though the title of the meeting makes no
> reference to anything of the sort.
I know that I'm happier with that knowledge.

John W.