Michael Cash wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 23:59:56 -0400, Kevin Wayne Williams
> <kww.nihongo@verizon.nut> brought down from the Mount tablets
> inscribed:
>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>>>>B Robson wrote:
>>>>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>The Abos will be glad to learn that Australia has no underclass.
>>>>>They all have homes. (Even colour TV, which seems to be your 
>>>>>definition of rich).
>>>>Yep. No hope, no future, but a nice house. Hall's Creek on a Saturday 
>>>>is a vision that will be seared into my brain forever.
>>>What's Hall's Creek? Is that like Skid Row?
>>It's a town in Western Australia. When I passed through, the population 
>>was wandering aimlessly, drunk.
> Let's be reasonable, now. How many people wander purposefully, drunk?

Moi. When the barman calls Happy Hour, I wander towards the bar. If that 
isn't wandering purposefully, nothing is.

Non gratum anus rodentum