Kevin Gowen wrote:
> Michael Cash wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 02:54:36 +0900, B Robson <>
>> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>> TAX, Gowen and I are talking about TAX. I am sure you have paid tax, 
>>> you can freely criticise poor people for abusing their most generous 
>>> welfare payments. As for me, I am glad I come from a country that 
>>> doesn't have an underclass.
>> from
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Totally off the record... In Australia we have a program for long term
>> unemployed, funded by the Government to assist them with finding
>> employment to get them off benifits.(social security)
>> While working as an Intensive Assistant Recruitment Specialist (more
>> commonly known as a Case Manager) I had a lady who was devastated
>> because she couldn't find work, she would be in tears, unable to pay
>> her rent or live a productive life, so I busted my butt to help her.
>> Finally the day came when she was offered a job, she was over the
>> moon. She was to start the next week. We assisted by paying the
>> employer to trial her, we bought her clothing and shoes, bacically
>> made it so she could start work worry free.
>> The day before she was to commence the employer phoned asking us to
>> find some one else for them, the employer had received a letter from
>> the jobseeker saying that she couldn't start work as her numbers
>> weren't right (numerology) and it was spiritually not the right job
>> for her.
>> Needless to say we 'spiritually' reduced her benifits.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Maybe you don't have an underclass, but there's at least one weirdo
>> bum-ette down there.
> The Abos will be glad to learn that Australia has no underclass.

They all have homes. (Even colour TV, which seems to be your definition 
of rich).