Michael Cash wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 21:29:27 +0900, Raj Feridun
> <rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> brought down from the Mount tablets
> inscribed:
>>On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 16:53:28 +0900, Michael Cash
>><mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote:
>>>>Actually although I don't understand this at all I was aware. It's a
>>>>good thing. Being universally disliked would really suck.
>>>Kevin is an argumentative, combative asshole. I can understand how
>>>some (most?) people would dislike him. But that doesn't stop from
>>>liking him just the same.
>>I think it probably helps that you two share the same politics. I'm
>>not spiting you your friendship anyway. Like I said I think it's
> We don't share exactly the same politics. But the similarities
> outweigh the differences, perhaps.
Which I find surprising since he is the epitome of the spoiled rich kid, 
has no real sense of morals (he thinks he does, and perhaps he does to 
an extent, or wants them, but when you get down to it he's a rude, mean 
bastard), and is patriotic only so long as it doesn't require any action 
on his part (and there are many things he could do besides the military 
if he wanted to show his patriotism).

John W.