"Michael Cash" <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com>, haber iletisinde sunlari
> On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:59:25 +0300, "Haluk Skywalker"
> <halukakaNOSPAM@hotmail.com> brought down from the Mount tablets
> inscribed:
> >"Kevin Gowen" <kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com>, haber iletisinde sunlari
> >yazdi:2ugkg5F291po5U12@uni-berlin.de...
> >...
> >> So, is Usama one of those pro-Kerry foreign leaders?
> >>
> >> - Kevin
> >
> >Which foreign leader, or better asked, which foreigner is NOT pro-Kerry?
> >don't think anyone left in the world who still favors Bush other than
> >sepponians.
> >
> >IMHO What is more funny is; people do not support Kerry because he is
> >They simply support Kerry becuase he is not Bush.
> What's really really funny is foreigners going on and on and on about
> it as though a)they have a say in the matter or b)Americans give a
> flying shit what they think about it.

Probably foreigners won't have a say in the US elections when the US stops
slaughtering innocent people in other countries.