Louise Bremner wrote:

> Eric Takabayashi <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:
> > > Have you ever had to look after a small
> > > child who wouldn't stop crying, no matter what you do?
> >
> > Yes. Perhaps for two years, each.
> >
> > And guess what? I didn't abuse my babies for being babies or for keeping me
> > awake or taking from what used to be my free time, or for costing me money
> > when they lose, damage or destroy their toys or my personal belongings. No
> > raised voices merely because I lost my temper, no beating, shaking, throwing
> > or hitting with objects for any reason. No depriving them of meals or
> > putting them outside or in the closet. Yes, I spanked on rare occasion when
> > they were toddlers, but only to get their attention, and not to make them
> > cry, for example, when they were hurting each other having a biting
> > argument. They soon stopped that behavior and so did I. My most serious
> > punishment to date was a few weeks they had to go without ice cream. That
> > happened once. Now the simple threat of being sent alone to another room to
> > play or read alone to keep them from fighting or being too rambunctious is
> > sufficient. And recently, if they fight over a toy, it gets taken away,
> > which also is effective. Haven't had to carry out on a threat of one day
> > without watching Pokemon yet.
> You saint....

Hell no. It's just that these people are such freaks.

From today's paper:


"Mother fatally beats bed-wetting son"


"He wet his bed so I punched him in the face," Hamada told the police, referring
to the attack on her 5-year-old son, Keiichi.

Police said that some time from Tuesday night until the early hours of Wednesday
morning, Hamada bashed Keiichi to the head and back, killing him.


I have had experience with my kids wetting the bed (also recall we sleep
together) or not making it to the toilet on time. The futon gets put out to dry,
and the kids get baths and clean clothes. We tell them not to hold it in, and
check on them regularly. My son is easily carsick or airsick. We give him
medicine and a bag, and carry a change of clothes.

It's not like we don't have better things to do at such times, but big deal.

What's this bitch's problem? What do other family members have to say?