Re: Killer father gets 5 years for son's brutal death
Louise Bremner wrote:
> Eric Takabayashi <> wrote:
> > > The thing that constantly 'gets me' about these stories isn't so much
> > > that it happens;
> >
> > It certainly does get me that the best way such people can think of to
> > quiet a crying infant or toddler is to beat them, pound their head on
> > something, or to throw them.
> No thought involved at all....
BS. In many of these cases, it is clearly reported that there is evidence of
prior abuse, such as hospital records showing a history of suspicious injury
or outright admission of abuse. They know damned well what they are doing,
particularly the next time.
> Have you ever had to look after a small
> child who wouldn't stop crying, no matter what you do?
Yes. Perhaps for two years, each.
And guess what? I didn't abuse my babies for being babies or for keeping me
awake or taking from what used to be my free time, or for costing me money
when they lose, damage or destroy their toys or my personal belongings. No
raised voices merely because I lost my temper, no beating, shaking, throwing
or hitting with objects for any reason. No depriving them of meals or
putting them outside or in the closet. Yes, I spanked on rare occasion when
they were toddlers, but only to get their attention, and not to make them
cry, for example, when they were hurting each other having a biting
argument. They soon stopped that behavior and so did I. My most serious
punishment to date was a few weeks they had to go without ice cream. That
happened once. Now the simple threat of being sent alone to another room to
play or read alone to keep them from fighting or being too rambunctious is
sufficient. And recently, if they fight over a toy, it gets taken away,
which also is effective. Haven't had to carry out on a threat of one day
without watching Pokemon yet.
Feel free to come to my home to request a personal examination of my
children or to consult with their teachers if you want to find out what kind
of kids they are or how I treat them. Review their medical records to look
for signs of abuse or suspicious conditions. Call the police or social
services on me. I'll tell you how to find us.
Your point?
> There's that
> instant where something snaps. Most people can catch themselves just
> before they lash out, most of the time.
Precisely why parents like these who abuse or kill those whom they should
love the most, should be held responsible.
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