Re: Rail
Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson wrote:
> On Thu, 20 May 2004 15:37:35 +0900, "mr.sumo.snr"
> <> wrote:
>>Thinking about traveling with 4 kids in the middle of a blazing hot August
>>on and off for 5 weeks I think renting an Estima or something similar makes
>>a whole lot of sense.
> Good point - I'd like to know who thought up the idea of coming to
> Japan in August, though - maybe his relatives don't like him?
I guess I'm just a wierdo, but I kinda like summer in Japan. Lot's of
sweating to clean out your pores, and there's no need to pay to go to an
onsen for a hot bath.
Actually, there are two good things about Japanese summers: the way the
ladies dress (and if the original poster has teenage-ish sons they'll
gladly suffer the heat and humidity for that), and the fireworks.
John W.
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