Re: Rail
"Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson" <> wrote in message
> Where about in the Kansai? I think that might affect your decision, as
> if you are within the Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto/Nara environs especially, the
> private networks have better services than JR, which will affect the
> sort of ticket you may want to buy. If on the other hand you're
> staying on the Japan sea coast or the Kii peninsula, there's only JR
> or cars.
> As for cars, car navi is essential, but I'm unaware if any have
> English options! In the Osaka area, parking, tolls, and jams all add
> up to making driving very unrewarding.
Thinking about traveling with 4 kids in the middle of a blazing hot August
on and off for 5 weeks I think renting an Estima or something similar makes
a whole lot of sense.
As for the navi - they're staying with someone local, and even if he/she has
zero kanji ability I'm sure they have a friend who doesn't. About an hour
playing with my wife's navi when she first bought the car convinced me that
it is indeed possible to navigate your way around the country using nothing
but 7-11, Lawson and Circle K stores as your points of reference.
I'm curious just how much it's going to cost the guy to get himself and his
basketball team over to Japan in the first place.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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