Hi everybody, long time no see.

    I've recently come back to Judo after some time off due to change of
residence and a hard time at work. I am now at the Bushidokwai club here in
Madrid, Spain. These people train very differently to what I was used to.
For instance, they do A LOT of ne waza, and this has given me the
opportunity to practice some techniques that I didn't quite master when I
should have. So, here comes a little question for you.
    It seem to be impossible for me to choke or even immobilize anyone using
Shangaku (Shankaku?) gatame technique. I think the approach I take is
correct. When my opponent adopts a defensive face down position in ne waza,
I pull him towards me and then "insert" one foot between his body and one
arm, and insert the knee of my other leg beside his neck trying to make a
triangle hold. The problem is that when I roll to the side (I tried both
sides) I find my leg is not quite controlling his neck, so the legs have a
difficult time coming together. What am I doing wrong? Can someone please
describe this hold/choke to me? Thank you very much.

    I hope there is still someone lurking in the darkness of this once
thriving newsgroup. Regards.
