"Sergey Karavashkin" <selftrans@yandex.ru> wrote in message
> "Harry" <harald.vanlintel@epfl.ch> wrote in message
> > > > >  >"Bilge" <dubious@radioactivex.lebesque-al.net> wrote in message
> > > > >  >news:slrnbvraov.dan.dubious@radioactivex.lebesque-al.net...
> >
> [snip]
> > Sergey,
> > In fact we were on a side subject, after I tried to make clear that
> > open-minded is not the same as being a crackpot..
> > Ampere's law is more complete than Lorentz', and seems to be not fully
> > compatible with Maxwell's.
> > Just when I expected Bilge to actually show me that all forces are
> > due to something that I overlooked, he became silent.
> > What is according to you the reaction of a current carrying wire to a
> > charge?
> >
> > Harald
> Dear Harald, you really found in Bilge a person from whom you can
> expect a reasonable answer! Bilge knows only refrain to a prayer
> "Einstein Akbar!" ;-)

In fact Bilge often makes a real effort to explain things - according to his
point of view of course - and in many cases I found that very helpful.

> I understand your wish to catch the dragoon's tail, but the tail is in
> other side. You and me, we many times discussed this issue, and you
> had not one case to make sure, you cannot make an independent step on
> this way. Not because your knowledge is insufficient. Simply to make
> this step is not so simple. One thing I understood, I have not to
> delete our paper from site. And this is already good. ;-)

This paper I have not read, sorry. The other one, you have not reacted any
time about the scaling problem as you gave me the impression that magnetic
induction current is proportional to wire length instead of enclosed surface
(~ L^2), while both engineering success and dimensional analysis show that
it must be a L^2 law.

> And as to Ampere's law, I already wrote you in my previous letter.

Yes, the question is if popular EM theory is complete.
