Re: favorite scenes in the tv series...
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 07:07:13 -0000, "Ian Richards"
<> wrote:
>I think that for sheer drama pretty much the enrire episode when Shinji and
>unit 01 get swallowed by the Sea of Drak, as for comedy well there is so
>much to choose from possibly the scene where Shinji first meets Pen Pen or
>the one where he and Asuka kiss
Yeah, that first scene with Pen Pen was great.. When Shinji finally
gets rescued from the sea of dirak and Misato is crying over him is
great too.. I remember watching EoE though and after the (*SPOILER* if
you haven't seen the movie) Asuka vs. Assembly Eva battle, when shinji
sees them all flying around like vultures eating the remains of Eva
02.. Man, I thought he was gonna go crazy and kill all of those
bastards. But then we all know what happened after that hah.. Still
good, but everytime I see that scene and hear shinji scream like that,
it just makes you want to see him use Eva 01 to tear right through all
of them.
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