Re: Dentists in Japan
Brett Robson schrieb:
> On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 07:31:43 +0200, Silvio ...
> >
> >
> >
> >Michael Cash schrieb:
> >>
> >> Poor little OLt Franke and his 4 lousy tanks will draw more fire.
> >
> >..and is able to fire back, while driving 50mph and sitting behind
> >70-100cm Chobham and composite armour. Never seen a HQ doing this.
> >
> Surely both your company and regimental HQs have some nice panzers?
I don't dare to call this "tanks", or Panzer. The company leader has a
MBT, the Batallion commander, too, but beginning from Brigade upwards,
the have "armoured" command and contol vehicels without a 120mm gun.
I guess these vehicels are not much more more than lightly armoured
combat telephone boxes. Good enough for their purpose but not a
> >No, the donuts are directly in my NBC-protection device in the tank.
> >There is allways enough place there for some beers, extra food...and the
> >coffee is at the loaders side, besides the rounds for the machine guns.
> >
> Careful! It would be embarrassing if the engineers had to enlarge the cupola to
> get you out :)
I'm trying to get a perfectly round body, so that I can fit perfectly
into the hatch and as long they can get food and coffee into the tank
through the loaders hatch, I'll be happy.
Sometimes I feel the strong urge to march east...
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