Re: On Chikan for John
John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
> > If you are not going to pay heed to say, UNICEF, medical professionals, or
> > university professors, I'd like to know who other than yourself you would
> > believe.
> Sorry, you're right. I overstated my case there. I should have said *some*
> of those statistics are pretty clearly unreliable, instead of just rejecting
> all of them.
You mean that you simply cannot believe it. What SCIENTIFIC basis do you have
for knowing they are unreliable, without investigation and review, or
repetition and repeatability?
> For instance:
> "Shocking statistics compiled by researchers indicate that three out of four
> junior and senior high school students surveyed in Tokyo have experienced
> solicitation for sex by older men"
Which is a claim they were propositioned, I would guess.
> is followed by:
> "Statistics show that almost all high school girls engage in some form of
> sexual titillation with older men for money or promises of presents"
> So 70% have been solicited (presumably some said no), and yet almost all are
> engaging in a form of prostitution? It doesn't take a university professor
> to see that that doesn't add up.
High figures aside, please recall that in the real Japan, the girls also
solicit the men.
Don't tell me you don't know that either.
So you know a dozen Chinese prostitutes (was that you?) who try to solicit you.
Does this need for them to solicit men en masse suggest that perhaps not enough
men solicit them (or at least, they'd like to be the ones to choose)?
Do you figure?
> > What I want you to do is find the truth.
> Right. Thank you. And if I see the need to be very careful about statistics
> in my pursuit of the truth, will you just accept that, and stop jumping down
> my throat about it?
It is YOU who explicitly claims to be so interested in finding out, for the
sake of your wife and child, so concerned that you do not even know how you can
continue to live in the country for to be wrong would be so fearsome,
yet you are spending your time refuting and disbelieving what is put before
you, instead of going out on your own to get educated.
What are you expecting?
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