John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:

> Eric said [a lot more stuff demonstrating he is in denial about whether or
> not I am in denial, which I spare the gentle reader by snipping
> mercilessly].
> Let's just get one thing clear. If I wanted to hold up a role model from the
> websites I've visited as a result of trying to check information in this
> discussion it would be this:
> ____________________________________________________________________
> TOKYO窶認ed up with being groped on trains or leered at by older men,
> 17-year-old Akie Takeda decided last year that she would help raise
> consciousness among young people to curb sexual harassment and exploitation
> in Japan.
> "It's not easy in a country where even adults are not aware of the need to
> protect the rights of children," says the junior high school student. "The
> fight is against deep-rooted sexual prejudices in our society," adds Takeda,
> who wants to make a full-time job of improving the lives of children once
> she finishes college.
> (
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Now, she gets a double thumbs-up from me any day, and so do the thousand or
> so others with her. But the statistics on that site aren't worth the
> cyberspace they're written on.

Just like I said, you take what you want, and reject what you do not believe,
based on yourself.

If you are not going to pay heed to say, UNICEF, medical professionals, or
university professors, I'd like to know who other than yourself you would

Whom you would believe despite saying something you do not agree with, and
against what you yourself witness, I must add.

> As I just posted:
> > even when the necessary information is provided, most people simply
> > don't have the tools to think critically about statistics.
> (
> The people who wrote that article don't have the tools, and you *certainly*
> don't!

UNICEF, a gynecologist, and a university professor, among others, don't have
the tools, you say.

Did you see them and their lack of tools to determine that for yourself?

> What did Declan just call you? A "rather bemused, clueless soul". I
> think you're a step or two up from that (but then it's my nature to take a
> positive view of things), but I am getting tired of being constantly
> identified by you as the enemy,

It is your denial which is tiresome. Again, you are spending your time seeking
only that which will support your argument, not that which will educate you in
your alleged interest to learn the truth.

Come back when you find the truth outside yourself.

> as per:
> > > Eric, I'm open to discussion,
> >
> > No you are not.
> >
> > > I'm perfectly willing to consider this issue
> > > from any and every angle,
> >
> > You are not.
> [snip]
> > > I'm prepared to take statistics into account,
> >
> > No you are not.
> It is rather hard to communicate with someone who just won't stop going for
> my jugular.

I am not going for your jugular. It is you who refuse to listen.

> What would it take to stop you?

You realizing what you have NOT seen on one train car for ten years or the
shortage of women coming to you with problems do not represent the lack of said
problem the rest of Japan.

> If I said, OK, I've got eyes but I won't use them

Not won't. You DON'T use them, and have admitted so yourself.

> (I'll just put 100% trust in the statistics on the front
> page of the Yomiuri Shinbun),


> I've got friends, neighbours, colleagues and
> confidants,

Irrelevant, unless they know the real (outside themselves) Japan. They could be
like you.

> but I won't listen to what they say (I'll just put 100% trust in
> the statistics on the front page of the Yomiuri Shinbun),


> I've got 50 years
> of lifetime and experience and intuitions about human nature,

And you still don't know why people wouldn't shut down the train line at peak
times for a hand up the skirt.

> but I won't use any of it

If your solution for preventing chikan is any indication.

> (I'll just put 100% trust in the statistics on the front page
> of the Yomiuri Shinbun), will *that* keep you happy???!!

No. Get off your ass, and outside your own life, and look for the truth, like
you claim you want to find. And come back when you find that truth.

> Or would you still just keep going for my jugular?
> Somehow, I think you probably would.

No. What I want you to do is find the truth.