Silvio Franke wrote:
> Declan Murphy schrieb:
>>>But did you actually pop the question, which I thought was the whole
>>>point of this exercise?
>>Yes I did. Yes it was. Yes was the answer.
> Conratulations!

Vielen Dank Herr Franke.

> "Einen unverheirateten Mann nennt man ledig. Einen verheirateten Mann 
>  nennt man erledigt!"
>                                                 Unknown German genius

An unmarried man is single, a married man is settled ??? Or something
like that?

The captain is brave ( Aye! Carumba! What a storm! ).
The captain is brave, he's a fearless man,
And Gilligan help him all that he can.
The wheel, she break, and lose all control;
S.S. Minnow do the rock-and-roll!