On Aug 25, 1:49 pm, "Maximus" <maxi...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Ken and Ed,
> Thank you for the help. I played Ken's script a little bit, and found that
> it is not possible to cache a big font in the printer. The printer shows Max
> Glyph Size as 25K, and max cached glyphs as 7K. The numbers are just too
> small.
> After some search, it is mentioned that CID type 1 (type 10?) format can
> encode a type3 font with larger encoding range. However, I am unable to find
> an example. Any ideas?
> Thanx in advance.

Ken already posted how to change the font cache size e.g.

<</MaxFontCache 1000000>> setsystemparams

You can also change the max number of bytes os a single cached glyph

int setcachelimit
