In article <iadsk.9899$Rs1.4191@newsfe08.iad>, says...

> Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately my goal is to keep other part of 
> the PostScript output intact, only the font to be changed. I have 
> created type3 font with 22K procs, but the font can only be used for 
> single-byte charsets.

This is always true, type 3 fonts can only address up to 256 glyphs. As 
Ed suggested you can create a font with more glyphs than that and create 
multiple instances of the font which can address different sequences of 
256 glyphs.

> and sends directly to the printer.True type fonts are converted into CID 
> type0 (with multiple type42 descendent fonts shared a huge sfnt array). 
> In theory it should work on all cases and in fact the output always work 
> correctly in GSView. However, if the true type font contains very large 
> glyphs (such as Chinese character), the printers we tested report 
> out-of-memory error.

Most likely your font is too large for the font cache.

> Converting to type 3 seems solved the problem, 

Type 3 fonts are often rendered uncached.

> but 
> we are unable to get around the 256 limit imposed on the limit.

As noted, this is an architectural limit of type 3 fonts, you can't 
address more than 256 glyphs.

> If this type3 solution does not work, is there any way to solve the 
> problem? Thanks!

First you need to identify a glyph which causes the problem, and decide 
whether its a single glyph too large for the printers cache or whether 
its simply the font which is too big. Most likely its *not* a single 
glyph, as this would simply be rendered uncached, just like a type 3 

Try showing a single glyph from the font, if possible make it as simple 
a glyph as possible. You should find most CJKV fonts also include lating 
characters which would be a good place to start. 

If that works, then its probably the glyph cache, not the font cache. 
Now you need to find an example fo a glyph which is too big. Presumably 
you already have some jobs which fail, try removing text using a binary 
chop until you find a glyph which deosn't work.

If it doesn't work, then its the font which is too big. You could use 
some fo the information below to write a custom error handler which 
would return the current status of the cache.

I'm guessing its the font itself which is too big for the font cache. 
The size of the font cache depends totally on your printer, some will 
have more memory, some less, some will set aside more memory for fonts, 
and so on. Printers intended for use with CJKV fonts will usually have 
more memory and a larger font cache, as tehse fonts are always larger 
than Latin fonts.

Now, the caches can usually be modified using PostScript. But first you 
need to know how they are currently set. The cachestatus operator is a 
good place to start. Assuming you can't interrogate the back channel 
from your printer, try this job:


/Courier 20 selectfont
/Str 256 string def

10 10 moveto (max glyph size ) show Str cvs show
10 25 moveto (max cached glyphs ) show Str cvs show
10 50 moveto (current cached glyphs ) show Str cvs show
10 75 moveto (max font/matrix combinations ) show Str cvs show
10 100 moveto (current font/matrix combinations ) show Str cvs show
10 125 moveto (max bitmap storage ) show Str cvs show
10 150 moveto (current bitmap storage ) show Str cvs show

10 200 moveto
dup type /marktype eq {exit} if
Str cvs show ( ) show
} loop

10 250 moveto (current cache params) show

This will give you a number of parameters which you may be able to 
affect. Note the number of parameters returned by currentcacheparams 
(and therefore consumed by setcacheparams) is variable. However you can 
also get at least some of the same information (depending on the 
language level of your printer and its conformance with Adobe standards) 
by checking the MaxFontCache, MinFontCompress and MaxFontItem 
system/user parameters:


/Courier 20 selectfont
/Str 256 string def

10 10 moveto (max glyph size ) show Str cvs show
10 25 moveto (max cached glyphs ) show Str cvs show
10 50 moveto (current cached glyphs ) show Str cvs show
10 75 moveto (max font/matrix combinations ) show Str cvs show
10 100 moveto (current font/matrix combinations ) show Str cvs show
10 125 moveto (max bitmap storage ) show Str cvs show
10 150 moveto (current bitmap storage ) show Str cvs show

currentsystemparams /MaxFontCache known {
  currentsystemparams /MaxFontCache get
  10 200 moveto (MaxFontCache ) show Str cvs show
} if

currentuserparams /MinFontCompress known {
  currentuserparams /MinFontCompress get
  10 225 moveto (MinFontCompress ) show Str cvs show
} if

currentuserparams /MaxFontItem known {
  currentuserparams /MaxFontItem get
  10 250 moveto (MaxFontItem ) show Str cvs show
} if

10 300 moveto
dup type /marktype eq {exit} if
Str cvs show ( ) show
} loop

10 325 moveto (current cache params) show

You can play with the parameters, but the most important is probably the 
MaxFontCache system parameter. You may be able to get your fonts to work 
if you increase this value.


<</MaxFontCache 1000000>> setsystemparams

Nothing is free, increasing this memory pool will decrease available 
memory elsewhere, the probability of a VM error will be increased.

Its entirely possible that your printer won't let you change the font 
cache settings.

Its possible that the font cache isn't the root of your problems (though 
you should be able to establish this by creating simple text only jobs 
to test with.

You may want to contact the manufacturer of the printers you are using 
and inquire whether they have any recommendations for this situation.
