"Rindler Sigurd" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote in message news:3f2df518_1@news.uncensored-news.com...
> > > Don't you realize that it is not only Canadians who "abuse" you? Anybody
> > > else does it, including other Japanese. You are the one who is
> constantly
> > > begging for it, no?
> >
> > Whose side you are? Pervert's?
> No, at the side of those whose messages make sense. I have yet to finds

So you are one of the pathetic morons who believe I'm a monkey. I
didn't expect you are such a retarded person. I pity you. Anyway, you
should be aware that Kansaijin don't sound like the stereotypical
Japanese. The stereotypical Japanese only refer to those in Tokyo, not
in Kansai. The "monkey-boy" pervert is so stupid and he doesn't know

> anybody who will agree with you. Oh well... if nothing else can enlighten
> you, there is still the twit filter to ignore this drivel...

You don't have to reply if you don't like my posts. You can always
ignore them without any notice like this to me. I'm not forcing you to
read it. Do you understand this simple logic? If you keep replying
this kind of offensive and abusing reply, that means you are trying to
flame me as well as those morons do.