"Rindler Sigurd" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote in message news:<3f2d9182$1_5@news.uncensored-news.com>...
> > Ugly and cruel sadistic pervert Canadian ultra White supremacist
> > barbarian Vernon is trying to slaughter a Japanese person by punching
> > by a shovel.
> That's an interesting way of slaugthtering, but probably the only solution
> when strangling doesn't work, and the knife becomes too blunt...
> Anyway, a short blow with a shovel's flat side to your noddle might be the
> only way to adjust your IQ again.
> Honestly... I have read about miraculous things after people fell and hit
> their heads.
> > I've never even seen any White Canadian who is not this kind of
> > pervert. I wonder when they would realize that they are the same as
> > criminals abusing Asians.
> Don't you realize that it is not only Canadians who "abuse" you? Anybody
> else does it, including other Japanese. You are the one who is constantly
> begging for it, no?

Whose side you are? Pervert's?